Mid Temperature

The heterogeneous structure of sediment rocks favours the circulation of water in the underground. Therefore the use of the available, geothermal warmth in a depth of 300 to 2000 m can be interesting by a Doublettes system.

The heat is delivered here into a long-distance heating net. A multiplicity of further applications are possible.

Durch Geothermie beheizte Gewächshäuser in Ungarn. Foto F.-D. Vuataz, CREGEAlso thermalwater from deep layers, groundwater leading rock formations (Aquifere) are excellently suited energy suppliers. In thermal baths - the oldest form of geothermal use - the effect of the terrestrial heat becomes particularly obvious. While in former times the warm water only was used for bathing, today we observe a increasing meaning of an efficient utilization of the existing amount of heat. Even the energy supply into local heat supply nets is brought up for discussion and is being realized.


Tiefe Aquifernutzung zur Fernwärmeheizung durch geothermische Dublettenbohrung. Grafik S. Cattin, CREGE

Heat from the inside of the mountains can also be used, likely in Switzerland, where more than 700 Railway and Road tunnels can be found. Since tunnels always cause a drainage of the perforated mountains, the flowing rockwater can be collected and be used at the tunnel portals for the gain of heat. With increasing mountain cover of a tunnel usually also the water temperature is rising.


Use of deep Aquifer for long-distance heating by using geothermal Dublettes-drilling