Thermalwater and Geotherm
Detailed information


Thermalwater and Geotherm

In Switzerland 13 centers with Thermalwater are using groundwater of about 20 – 67 °C with source- and well withdrawal or drillings with different depths.I addition there are numereous subthermal sources with temperatures between 15 – 20°C, from those some are used for warm-water supply and/or are filled in bottles as mineral-water. Where no active volcanos or other heat sources are present close to the earth's surface, Thermalwater ia formed by seeping of rain water into large depths and a afterwards rapid ascent to the earth's surface.

Thermalquellen im Bäderpark von Val d’Illiez.Already in the 70's some thermal baths used their resources of warm water to cover heat requirement in an efficient and modern kind. Examples of it are Lavey-les-Bains in the canton of Waadt and Zurzach in the canton of Aargau

Only recently Schinznach and Lavey-les-Bains decided, to improve the power supply from their geothermal resources. These two exemplary plants use now Thermalwasser not only for the heating of the swimming pools but also for buildings themselves. Thus costs of fossil fuels can be saved and be done without the usage of a heat pump.



Operational principle of a stimulated, geothermal system
in the deep crystalline rock